On April 9th I was invited to Durham Elementary to help celebrate their ‘Sports Day.’ I spoke to over 450 students and shared what I have learned throughout my Olympic journey. I also encouraged the students to create goals and be proactive in finding the avenues to pursue them. I have visited many Northern California schools while I have been in my hometown of Chico, but this was my very first assembly for the entire student body. I was a bit nervous, but was pleasantly greeted with signs and decorations, which helped to calm my nerves.
I really enjoy talking to these students, but sometimes I wonder if they are getting my message or if they are just anxiously waiting for me to sign an arm or a shirt or a shoe! A lot of the students had many interesting goals and things they want to be when they grow up including a bobsledder! I can only hope that they continue to fight for their dreams and understand anything is possible. After the assembly was complete I had a HUGE line of kids anxiously waiting for an autograph. I had one kid proudly tell me he waited in line for 45 minutes to get my autograph. I had another tell me that he was going to sell my autograph on ebay. I don’t think these kids realize that my signature is not worth anything, but it makes me feel special to know that my community backs me up and is excited about what I am doing.