Sunday, May 9, 2010

The White House

I don’t care who you are or what you believe in, anytime there is an invitation to go to our nations Capital and meet our President it is a huge honor. Team USA 2010 received this honor a few weeks ago when we were given the opportunity to shake the hand of the man leading our country. My teammates and I felt like rock stars as we were bused onto The White House grounds with ease. We were able to wander freely around a portion of The White House and we were treated to homemade cookies and refreshments (I like to think the First Lady made these cookies for us earlier that morning). Because of the rain we were unable to assemble in the courtyard and listen to a speech President Obama had prepared for us, but each team was able to shake hands with the President, hug the First Lady and get our pictures taken. It was another amazing experience that I will be adding into my memory bank.
             2010 Olympic Bobsled and Skeleton Team with the Obamas

After our visit we were carted off to the Supreme Court where we were all treated to dinner, drinks and a short presentation honoring all the Olympic and Paralympic athletes. At the reception we met the Congressman of Nebraska, Adrian Smith who graciously volunteered to give a few of us a private tour of the US Capitol Building. I have been to the Capitol Building before, but it was very special to have our own after hour tour. The whole day was a lot of fun and huge honor. It was a great way to celebrate all of the hard work and dedication it took for each and every one of us to be in Vancouver.


Tava Tea said...

Pretty good post. I just came by your blog and wanted to say that I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog posts.
In any case I’ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again soon!


nice blog....