Sunday, February 14, 2010

Vancouver Bound 2/10/2010

Bree and I woke up this morning like giddy little girls on Christmas day. We left from Park City, Utah at 4:30a.m. and started our trek to Vancouver. We did not even care about our lack of sleep or having to have a 3 hour lay over or even wearing our huge oversized Under Armour ‘Capitan American’ jackets. All that went through our minds was that we were on our way to realizing and living our dream. It was incredible. Everywhere we went in the airport people were asking our sport and wishing us luck and telling us thank you and how proud they were of us. I have never seen so many people bursting with pride and excitement. It really hit Bree and I when we boarded our second flight from San Francisco to Vancouver and the flight attendants announced us saying this is ‘our team.’ I think this is when I realized that we are not just here for ourselves we are here for our nation. We are now America’s team.

                           The Team getting off the plane in Vancouver!


Anonymous said...

gosh those outfits are amazing!!